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Reduce Energy Costs- Top 9 Tips

Whether you are performing a home remodeling project because you want to or because you have to, it is the perfect opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of your home, or portions of it. Advancements in technology and overall improved awareness of the importance of energy-saving home building processes have improved the ability to increase the efficiency of the various operating systems in your home.

Home remodeling projects are typically done for expansion, to give homes a new look, or to provide greater functionality to individual spaces. Home construction materials and processes today naturally focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable construction techniques to conserve energy and save money on annual heating and cooling expenses.

Some simple remodeling tips to reduce energy costs in your home include:

1. Appliances

Older appliances and insufficient power sources can drain energy from your home and needlessly increase your energy bills. New appliances today are far more energy-efficient than older models. Choosing the proper size and strength for replacement or new home appliances as part of your next home remodeling project will help to save energy and lower monthly operational costs.

2. Electronics and Power Sources

The prolific use of electronics in society today has significantly increased the need for energy-saving processes to keep the working costs of these gadgets low. Our large screen TVs, computers, tablets, phones, and gaming systems can take a toll on energy conservation efforts. Smart power strips and surge protectors will save you energy and money by turning off the power when devices are in stand-by modes.

3. Roof Repair, Replacement

Investments in energy-efficient roof repair or replacement can have a significant impact on the cost to heat and cool your home, saving your money on monthly HVAC operating costs

Proper energy-efficient roof insulation and ventilation can be achieved in a number of practical and cost-efficient ways, from new shingles or heat repelling coating to a complete replacement of the roof to a sustainable cool roof that offers excellent protection and savings. An energy-efficient roof is an essential element in achieving net-zero energy building.

4. HVAC Improvements to Reduce Energy Costs

Even the best quality heating and cooling systems that are several years old cannot run near as well or efficiently as a new system with the added technological advances and focus of energy-efficient buildings. New HVAC equipment will see a high return on investment through the long-term savings on energy bills.

5. Window Repair and Replacement

When outside air seeps into your home through cracks of older and worn windows, your HVAC systems will be forced to work harder, using more energy, cost more to run. Improving the insulation and sealing properties for all of the types of windows during the course of a home remodeling project can dramatically increase savings on monthly utility bills. Double- and triple-paned glass adds superior insulation and significant savings.

6. Low Flow Faucets

Any modern home remodeling job having to do with kitchens, bathrooms, or any spaces with sinks should include the installation of low-flow faucet fixtures to save on water and energy bills. Many local and regional municipalities offer financial incentives for homes with low-flow faucets and water-efficient fixtures.

7. Insulation

Remodeling projects offer a chance to repair and upgrade the insulation in the walls, ceilings, attics, and floors of your home. Properly installing insulation can significantly lower monthly utility bills by lowering the amount of energy needed to operate heating and cooling systems.

8. Home Extensions

Adding an extension or room to your home is an excellent opportunity to create a space with great energy efficiency. ICF construction can create an extension or additional structure that offers unparalleled protection from extreme weather conditions and provides exceptional insulation. Consider current trends in home design, such as faux wood beams to add a rustic aesthetic to your home extension.

9. Outdoor Improvements

Creating an outdoor living space to rejuvenate and relax not only increases your property values and allure for potential buyers but allows you to fully enjoy your backyard. Adding a deck can change the entire aesthetic of your backyard, and even add a porch ceiling to add some shade. Remember – building a deck can be a tedious process; before beginning your deck building project, invest some time in an accurate deck calculator to ensure that you have ample space for your new addition! 

Remodeling your home can be a significant investment. Take time to plan, select the perfect materials, and customize your home to your unique specifications. Your property values and your way of life will improve significantly.

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Matt Lee, Interior Design Ideas, Innovative Building Materials, reduce energy costs

Content by: Matt Lee- Innovative Building Materials

Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.



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