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Temperatures are HOT and only getting hotter. With summer now officially here, staying healthy in the heat can be a challenge, made no easier by these summer health myths giving you the wrong information.

6 Summer Health Myths Debunked
6 Summer Health Myths Debunked

You Must Wait 30 Minutes After Eating to Swim

This one is a classic we’ve all heard before. But the truth is, there’s just no evidence to back it up. Depending on the individual, you may get some stomach cramping, but that doesn’t have to cramp your style. Swimming less than 30 minutes after you eat is perfectly safe.

You Can’t Get Sunburned on a Cloudy Day

This one is straight fiction. Even if you can’t see the sun, damaging UV rays will still break right through cloud cover. Be sure to regularly reapply sunscreen, so you can enjoy some fun in the sun.

6 Summer Health Myths Debunked - You can't get Sunburned on a Cloudy Day

Ocean Water is Good for Cuts and Wounds

You could say there is some fact to this myth. Medical-grade saline is used on cuts and wounds and is perfectly safe. The issues with ocean water are all the pollutants, dirt, and bacteria mixed in – not so great for an open wound. If you cut or injure yourself at the beach, be sure you thoroughly rinse it with clean water and wrap it with a sterile bandage. Be sure to talk with your doctor if anything worsens or if you may need stitches.

Any Liquid Will Hydrate You on a Hot Day

This one is unfortunately not true. Drinking 6-8 8oz glasses of pure water every day is a must, and if you’re exercising or sweating, 1-2 glasses with Electrolytes (like Gatorade) will help replenish those missing nutrients. Drinks with caffeine like tea and coffee will flush your body of liquids, making you dehydrate faster. And alcohol is a diuretic. If you choose to drink these out on a hot day, be sure to increase your water intake to counteract those effects.

Eating Garlic Will Ward Off Mosquitos

We’re not sure which came first, this myth or Dracula but we’re sorry to say it’s just not true. Eating garlic has no effect on deterring mosquitos, but rubbing it on your skin may work for a small time. The downside? You smell like garlic for the rest of the day and you’re still getting bitten by mosquitos. Consider trying other natural mosquito repellants like citrus or foods rich in thiamine.

The Higher the SPF, the Better

The number on your sunscreen bottle can be a little misleading. If you’re trying to decide between SPF 50 and SPF 100, here are the differences. The higher SPF actually doesn’t provide too much more protection from the sun’s rays. It may provide some wiggle room if you forget to reapply, but will mostly just expose you to more chemicals. Our verdict? Maybe just go with the water-resistant 50 SPF.

6 Summer Health Myths Debunked - The higher the SPF the better

These summer health myths have gotten us all at one point or another. Now, at least you can enjoy your summer plans to the fullest knowing you’re not falling for them.

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1 Geneva Carlos Valadez